
New Jersey Macaroni Kid Editions

Traveling - check out our other NJ editions!

By Angelina Capalbo November 20, 2020

Are you traveling in NJ and want to utilize Macaroni Kid? I would love for you to take advantage of all that Macaroni Kid has to offer. You can always change your local edition at the top of your screen or click on any of the below links, when visiting a township nearby. Have friends that live in another area of New Jersey? Share this article, so they can find their local publisher too. 

Below is a list of the Macaroni Kid New Jersey Editions:

Here is the breakdown of publishers on a map.

Would someone you know, be interested in starting a local edition where they live, invite them to email me and I can explain more to see if it's a good fit for them. 

As you can see from our map, we still have many territories still available. Want to help with our edition, check out this article.

Have friends that live in another area of the US or Canada? Invite them to find their local publisher by visiting to search by state and city.